If You Don’t Have a Bookcase or Books on a Shelf, You Should Reconsider!

A personal library is a great way to keep your mind active and improve your knowledge.

Dim McNami
2 min readOct 19, 2022

It can also be a source of relaxation and enjoyment.

Photo by Florencia Viadana on Unsplash

Here are some reasons why you should have a bookcase or some books on a shelf:

1. The obvious one: it can help you become more knowledgeable

When you have a library, you have easy access to a wide range of information on topics you’re interested in or want to learn more about; more than a couple of Medium articles on the topic. This can help you learn new things and become more knowledgeable.

2. A personal library can improve your memory

Our brains need to be challenged, and we need to be mentally stimulated in order to stay sharp and avoid “synaptic pruning”; reading books will help you not to lose your brain power and improve your memory.

3. Loads of books can help you think more critically; as long as you’re open to it

By reading different books around the same topic you can explore different viewpoints. This can help you think more critically about the world around you.

4. A personal library can be a source of relaxation

You can pick up a new book, one you already read a thousand times and you can take some time out to relax and enjoy; this can be a great way to unwind after a long day.

5. It can be a great conversation starter

When you have a personal library, you can use it to start conversations with others. This can be a great way to make new friends and connect with people.

And who knows, by starting this, you might become a master in the art of Tsundoku!

Comic by Ronnie Filyaw on WhompComic.com

5. A personal library can be a great conversation starter.

When you have a personal library, you can use it to start conversations with others. This can be a great way to make new friends and connect with people.



Dim McNami
Dim McNami

Written by Dim McNami

design director / head of product development / games / ΔΦ / co-owner of @TSSRovers / #TeamOM / @Saints / flâneur / mcnami.com

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